Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time to breathe

I've only been doing craft shows for about 2 years now. A lot of time and effort goes into planning them around other events as well as everyday life.

I realize now, after trying too do much of this all on my own, that it's just not possible to do the kinds of shows and be successful and relatively stress free. Outdoor festivals and shows require a partner, something I lack.

The Frontier Festival this weekend was terrible. Without going into too many details, I won't be doing it next year. I even had to leave after 2 hours because I just didn't see the value to myself sitting in the sun for 9 hours and brooding.

Sometimes you have to slow down and reassess why you are doing what you are doing.

This weekend I am doing just that. As the summer closes and we go into Fall, I will only be doing indoor events. With the exception of the Howard City Fall Festival. I will find a way to do that Event. It has been the best experience in shows thus far.

On the up side, my house will be cleaner, my job search will be more intensified and my opportunity to ground myself will help everyone around me. Especially my mom, who I have been treating terribly when I have bad days at shows. I am my father's daughter. When things go poorly; I take it out on EVERYONE.

I'm learning that the big picture does not have to be so cut and dry. My art will still be my art a the end of the day. I don't have to do 50 things related to art to continue to enjoy what I do. Back to Basics, One day at a time, Stop and smell the roses. However you wish to say it.

Art is not a path of instant gratification. I wish I could impart that to someone who I feel has great potential. Personally, my art is not only the visual aspect but the emotional one that is essential to completing what I'm trying to accomplish.

My goal? To envision, create, share, learn and grow with various mediums of woven handmade, wearable art. Whether it's metal rings, wire, or yarn. If I can weave it, I can achieve it.

Lots of lessons learned today. I hope others learned them too.

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